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Everything About Kidney Stones

1. What are kidney stones?

Kidney stones are solid masses that form in the urinary tract. They can be as small as a grain of sand or as big as a golf ball. Kidney stones are usually made of calcium, oxalate, and other minerals found in urine.

2. Are they painful?

Yes! Most people describe their pain as a dull ache or pressure in their back or side; however, some people report sharp pain, which may lead to nausea or vomiting.

3. What are the symptoms of kidney stones?

Kidney stones are usually painless and remain in the kidney for a long time. The most common symptom is an intermittent sharp pain that can be felt in the flank or back, which does not disappear after urination or after walking. Pain may also radiate to one or both sides of the waist.

4. What causes kidney stones?

There are many possible causes of kidney stones, some of which are hereditary, but most cases are related to diet or lifestyle factors. For example, a high-protein diet may cause calcium oxalate stones, while excessive intake of purines (which occur naturally in meats) may cause uric acid stones.

5. Are kidney stones common?

Kidney stones occur when urine becomes too concentrated (hypercalciuria). This excess calcium can crystallize in the kidneys, forming hard masses called renal calculi. The risk of developing a kidney stone is increased by certain conditions or medications, but it does not happen to everyone who has these risk factors.

6. How are kidney stones diagnosed?

Kidney stones are typically diagnosed through a combination of medical history, physical examination, and imaging tests.

7. What are the complications of kidney stones?

Kidney stones can lead to serious complications, such as infection, kidney damage, and urinary blockage.

8. What is the difference between kidney stones and gallstones?

Kidney stones are more common than gallstones, but they have different signs and symptoms. Gallstones can cause some pain, while kidney stones may not cause any noticeable symptoms at all. Gallstones are solid deposits of cholesterol or other substances in the gallbladder. Kidney stones are made up of minerals such as oxalate and calcium phosphate that become lodged in your kidneys.

9. What should I do if I have a kidney stone?

If you have a kidney stone, call your doctor right away to find out what’s causing this condition and how to treat it. Seek medical attention even if you feel well and don’t have any symptoms at that time.

10. How can I prevent kidney stones?

There are several measures you can take to reduce your risk of developing kidney stones, including maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle, staying hydrated, and avoiding certain medications.

11. What is the prognosis for people with kidney stones?

Most people with kidney stones will eventually recover without any lasting complications. However, recurrent stone formation is common, and some people may experience chronic pain or other long-term problems.

12. What is the most common type of kidney stone?

The most common type of kidney stone is made up of calcium. Other types of kidney stones include struvite, uric acid, and cystine.

13. How long does it take to pass a kidney stone?

It can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks for a kidney stone to pass. Larger stones may require surgery.

14. How do you know if I have a kidney stone?

Signs and symptoms of a kidney stone usually include pain in the side, back, or stomach area, nausea, vomiting, and fever. If you experience more than two to three episodes of these symptoms within two weeks, it’s important to visit your doctor immediately.

15. Who treats Kidney stones?

Kidney stones are usually treated by a team of doctors that may include a urologist, nephrologist, and general surgeon.

16. Can I get kidney stones if I am on dialysis?

Yes. Kidney stone formation is not uncommon in people on dialysis. Dialysis patients are at risk for developing calcium oxalate renal calculi because their kidneys cannot excrete excess calcium and oxalate in urine.

17. How are kidney stones treated?

The treatment of kidney stones depends on the size and location of the stones. Smaller stones may pass on their own, while larger stones may require surgery.

18. Is it safe to have laser treatment for kidney stones?

Yes, it is safe to have laser treatment for kidney stones. The laser energy is absorbed by the body tissues and does not affect the blood vessels or organs in the body.

19. Will I feel any pain during laser kidney stone removal?

No, there will be no pain or discomfort after the treatment session. The laser beam may feel a little warm but it is not painful or uncomfortable.

20. How long will laser kidney stone removal take?

The duration of your treatment depends on many factors such as your age, body weight, and renal stone size. For example, if you have small kidney stones then it will take less time than if you have large ones that are difficult to pass through the ureter.

21. How does laser treatment for kidney stones work?

Laser therapy treats kidney stones by breaking up the crystals in the kidney. The laser beam heats up the renal pelvis, which causes the crystals to melt.

22. Will I need surgery after receiving laser kidney stone removal?

No, there are no surgical procedures involved in this process. You will be able to resume your normal routine after receiving the treatment.

23. How long will it take to recover from kidney stone treatment?

It depends on what type of treatment you have received and how severe the case was. In general, you should expect to feel better within 1-2 weeks after treatment has been completed.

24. Is there anything I can do at home to prevent kidney stones?

Yes, many things you can do at home can help prevent kidney stones from forming in the first place. A good diet with plenty of water, exercise, and proper rest are all excellent ways to keep your urine clean and lower your risk of getting kidney stones. You should also make sure that you don’t have any urinary tract infections or other health conditions that might make it more likely for you to develop other types of kidney problems such as inflammation or chronic kidney disease.

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Symptoms of Sinus Infection and How to treat them

Sinus infection or sinusitis occurs when your nasal cavities become infected, swollen, and inflamed. Sinusitis is caused by a viral or bacterial infection of the sinuses. Certain conditions such as cold and allergies, nasal polyps, congestion, toothache, and infections can also contribute to sinus problems. 

The sinuses make thin mucus that drains out of the nose channels, which keep the nose clean and free of bacteria. Generally filled with air, the sinuses can get blocked and filled with fluid, which causes bacteria to grow and cause an infection.

Different Types of Sinusitis

Also known as rhinosinusitis, sinusitis may be classified as an acute sinus infection or chronic sinus infection. Acute sinusitis is commonly caused by a cold or allergies and may resolve on its own. However, an acute infection is usually part of a cold or other respiratory illness.

Chronic sinusitis can last up to eight weeks and may be caused by an infection or bacteria growth. ENT specialists believe the main causes of sinusitis include infected nasal discharge and congestion.

When the symptoms last four to twelve weeks, it is known as subacute sinusitis, and when the symptoms come back four or more times in one year and last less than two weeks each time, it is called recurrent acute sinusitis.

A sinus infection can happen to anyone. However, people with nasal polyps, nasal allergies, asthma, and abnormal nose structures are more likely to get sinusitis. Smoking can also increase the chances of getting a sinus infection.


Signs and symptoms of sinusitis

Are you confused with a sinus infection, cold, or nasal allergies? Here, our best ENT doctors in Kakinada explain the symptoms of sinusitis that you should not ignore.

1. Pain in your sinuses

Pain is the most common symptom of sinusitis. You can have several different sinuses above and below the eyes and behind the nose that can hurt when you have an infection in the sinuses.

Inflammation and swelling in your sinuses cause you to feel pain on your forehead, nose, upper jaws, and teeth, or between your eyes.

2. Nasal discharge

When you have a sinus infection, you often need to blow your nose because of nasal discharge from the infected sinuses and drains into your nasal passages. Due to the discharge, you may also feel a tickle, an itch, or even a sore throat.

Post Nasal drip causes coughing at night when lying down to sleep and in the morning after getting up. It may also cause you to sound hoarse.

3. Sinus headaches

With a sinus infection, you may have a pain that starts in the forehead, moves into the nose, and then settles behind one or both eyes where it feels like pressure. The swelling and relentless pressure in the sinuses can also give you earaches, dental pain, and upper jaw pain.

Sinus headaches can be an excruciating and uncomfortable condition and are often at their worst state in the morning because fluids have been collecting all night long.

4. Cough and throat irritation

As the discharge from your sinuses drains down the back of the throat, it can irritate you over a long period. This can lead to an annoying cough, worsening when lying down to sleep and after getting up from the bed.

It can also cause trouble sleeping. Sleeping upright or with your head elevated can reduce the frequency and intensity of the coughing.

5. Septum deviation

A deviated septum is one of the most common symptoms of sinusitis which occurs when the septum, the cartilage, and bone separate the nasal cavity. Some people are born with a deviated septum and for others, a sinus infection causes it.

A bad septum deviation can also cause blockage, breathing problems, congestion, headaches, and noisy breathing during sleep. 


How can Sinus infection be treated?

Sinus problems are treated in several ways, each depending on the severity of the condition.

Our best ENT specialists treat simple sinusitis infection  by:

  • Over-the-counter medications for cold and allergy
  • Nasal irrigation
  • Decongestants 
  • Drinking fluids (sinusitis is a viral infection, and fluids or juices will help) 

If symptoms of sinus infection don’t improve after ten days, ENT specialists may prescribe:

  • Antibiotics (for 10 days in children and 7 days in adults).
  • Oral or topical decongestants.
  • Prescription intranasal steroid sprays. 

ENT doctors treat long-term or chronic sinusitis by focusing on the underlying conditions that include:

  • Intranasal steroid sprays.
  • Topical antihistamine sprays or oral pills.
  • Leukotriene antagonists reduce swelling and allergy symptoms.
  • Washing the nose with saline solutions that might also contain other types of medication.

When any of the above treatments for sinusitis do not improve your symptoms, a CT scan is recommended to have a better view of your sinuses. Depending on the results, surgery may be an option to fix the structural problems which most likely happen to those who have polyps or fungal infections.

Suspecting you have a sinus infection and the symptoms are persistent? Do not delay. Make sure you approach Inodaya Hospitals. Our top ENT doctors in Kakinada will diagnose the cause of sinusitis and suggest you the right treatment!

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What are the signs and symptoms of Dengue fever?

Dengue infection is the leading cause of death in tropical and subtropical areas of the world. Dengue hemorrhagic fever is the most severe form of dengue infection. It is estimated that a million cases of dengue fever occur worldwide every year.

Dengue virus belongs to the same Flaviviridae family and there are four distinct, but closely related, serotypes DENV-1 through DENV-4. The virus is transmitted by the bite of an Aedes mosquito which has previously bitten a person with the dengue virus.

Those who become infected with the dengue virus a second time are at a significantly higher risk of developing severe disease. Therefore, the best doctors for dengue fever treatment in Kakinada explain the symptoms of dengue fever that everyone should be aware of.


Signs and Symptoms of Dengue fever

After a mosquito carrying the dengue virus bites a person (who is previously exposed to that virus), the symptoms start to develop within 3 to 15 days. In mild cases of dengue fever, people experience no signs and symptoms.

However, when symptoms do occur, they may be mistaken for other illnesses such as flu. Or viral infection. Dengue fever causes sudden high fever with a temperature rising up to 106°F. Some of the other common symptoms of dengue fever include:

  • Severe bone, muscle, and joint pain
  • Severe headache
  • Pain behind the eyes
  • Skin rashes (which appear two to four days after onset of fever)
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea and vomiting 
  • Swollen glands can also be seen in dengue fever

Most people with dengue fever can recover within a week or so. In some cases, symptoms get severe which leads to a life-threatening complication called Dengue hemorrhagic fever. This includes blood vessels becoming damaged and leaky, and the number of platelets in the bloodstream drops resulting in massive bleeding, shock, and even death. This is also called Dengue Shock Syndrome (DSS).

Therefore, it is important to notice the warning signs of severe dengue fever including: 

  • Severe abdominal pain
  • Persistent vomiting
  • Heavy bleeding from the gums and nose
  • Bleeding under the skin
  • Difficult or rapid breathing

As explained by dengue fever treatment experts, since severe dengue fever is a life-threatening condition, seeking immediate medical attention is necessary. 

How is dengue fever treated?

There is no specific medication or treatment for dengue fever as this is a viral condition. The doctor prescribed some medications that reduce fever, headache, and joint pains. You should avoid aspirin and ibuprofen, as they could worsen the bleeding.

Your doctor will perform a medical examination, you should also rest, and drink plenty of fluids. If you feel worse after the fever starts to fall down, you should be taken to the hospital immediately to get checked for complications.

Hospitalization is needed for a patient to prevent dengue shock syndrome and dengue hemorrhagic fever from occurring. They may receive IV fluids. 


How to prevent dengue fever?

The best way to protect from dengue fever is to avoid mosquito bites and to reduce the mosquito population. Follow the below precautions in a high-risk area:

  • Use mosquito repellents indoors and outdoors
  • Wear protective clothing ( long-sleeved shirts and pants tucked into socks)
  • Avoid heavily populated areas
  • When indoors, use the air conditioner
  • Make sure that doors and window screens are secure and free of holes

With proper care at the right time, dengue fever is not a disease that cannot be coped with. Looking for treatment for dengue in Kakinada? Inodaya Hospitalsis the best hospital for dengue treatment in Kakinada. We have a team of experienced dengue fever specialists in Kakinada who can effectively treat dengue and advise accordingly.

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Inodaya is NABH Accredited

Inodaya Hospitals is now a NABH-accredited hospital. The intention of the National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers (NABH) accreditation is to improve healthcare quality and patient safety at public and private hospitals. The accreditation focuses on patient safety and the quality of the delivery of services by the hospital. Patients are the biggest beneficiary as the implementation of accreditation standards ensures patient safety, commitment to quality care, which results in good clinical outcomes.

To be accredited by the NABH requires months and even years of preparation as the evaluation process is rigorous and thorough. This only further speaks to our commitment to ensuring quality healthcare for all.

Weight Loss

7 Surprising Reasons Why You Are Not Losing Weight

Eating healthy, fasting, workouts, and whatnot, Tried everything but still can’t lose weight? After putting so many efforts, the weight on the scale doesn’t seem to move even a number down.

You might be thinking why the extra in my body doesn’t shed away and my waistline doesn’t seem to shrink. Don’t worry. Inodaya, one of the multispeciality Hospitals in Kakinada is here to help you.

Check out these most common reasons why people don’t end up losing weight. You will be surprised!

  1. You are stressed

    Stress affects people in many different ways, and so do is eating, exercising, and sleeping habits. Many people who try to lose weight by eating healthy and exercising also worry about the results. This stress creates hindrance in the journey of losing weight.

    Stress also affects your cortisol levels which in turn makes it difficult to lose weight. Therefore, if your diet and exercise routine is stressing you out, find an alternative way.

  2. Not drinking enough water

    Our body is filled with 50 to 65 percent of water, and all-important processes of the body need water to function properly. Apart from this drinking water helps boost your metabolism, cleanse your body waste, and acts as an appetite suppressant.

    Also, drinking more water helps your body stay hydrated and stop retaining water, leading you to drop those extra pounds of water weight.

  3. You are not getting enough sleep

    Poor sleeping habits are one of the biggest risk factors for obesity. Many people don’t get the necessary 7-8 hours of sleep each night. However, it is recommended that a healthy body and mind, adequate sleep is much needed.

    Lack of sleep makes you feel sluggish the next day and ultimately affects your workout routine and diet which can lead to cause obesity.

  4. Not eating enough calories

    If you are looking to lose weight, it’s likely you have cut back on calories, but dropping your intake too low can obstruct your weight loss. Not eating enough can turn the body to starvation mode and slow down your metabolism.

    Calorie deficits much higher than 400 calories per day can reduce the activity of your thyroid syndrome and raise the stress levels that result in obesity or overweight.

  5. Not Eating Whole Foods

    Whole foods are plant-based foods that are unprocessed and unrefined. Eating whole foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts can improve your well-being and help regulate your appetite. The vitamin, minerals, and fiber in whole foods also help you stay fuller longer.

    Keep in mind that many processed foods labeled as healthy foods are not really healthy. Try to consume whole, single-ingredient foods as much as possible.

  6. Not lifting weights

    One of the most important things you can do when trying to lose weight is some form of resistance exercise such as weight lifting. This can help you maintain muscle strength, which is often burned along the body fat if not exercising.

    The benefits of lifting weights include improved posture, better sleep, maintaining weight, gaining bone density, and boosting metabolism.

  7. You are Binge Eating (Even on Healthy foods)

    Binge eating (consumption of large quantities of food) is the most common side effect of dieting. It involves rapidly eating large amounts of food, often much more than your body actually needs. Many dieters binge on junk foods, while others on relatively healthy foods (nuts, cheese, etc).

    Even if something is a healthy food, its calories still count. Depending on the quantity, a single binge can often ruin an entire week’s worth of effort to lose weight.

For more suggestions and consultation, book an appointment with our weight loss experts.
Call +91 92932 74444.

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7 Misconceptions of Bariatric Surgery

Around the globe, many people consider bariatric surgery because of obesity at epidemic levels. There are many factors that contribute to obesity but are often misunderstood. Bariatric surgery, also called weight loss surgery is a popular treatment method for overweight or obesity.

However, we cannot recommend weight loss surgery to all obese patients because the physiological conditions of everyone differ. Performing surgical inventions to overcome obesity, there are several misconceptions about bariatric surgery.

Dr Ram Mohan, a leading Bariatric surgeon in Kakinada discusses common myths that prevent obese patients from proceeding with bariatric surgery.

7 Misconceptions of Bariatric surgery

Here, the bariatric and metabolic surgeons at Inodaya Hospitals share the facts you should know about weight loss surgery.

1. Bariatric surgery is an extremely risky procedure

Every surgical procedure has some potential risks and complications associated with it. But, with recent technological and medical advancements, various complications of bariatric surgery have been minimized. However, it is very important to choose your bariatric surgeon wisely, because surgery done by an accredited surgeon reduces the risks.

Also, you should discuss with your surgeon about the risks and benefits of each procedure before going to surgery.

2. Weight loss is the only benefit of obesity surgery.

Even though obesity surgery (bariatric surgery) plays a significant role in weight loss, it also results in increasing the health complications faced by obese patients including sleep apnea, type 2 diabetes, etc. In fact, a number of surgeries are being done for the remission of diseases like diabetes.

However, bariatric surgery that is done primarily to treat health conditions associated with obesity is called Metabolic surgery-says. Dr Ram Mohan.

3. Obesity surgery is a waste of time because you just regain weight in the future.

Researchers have concluded that people who have undergone bariatric surgery lose more weight than those who choose traditional weight loss methods. However, obesity surgery is not a miracle procedure to lose weight. You must strictly follow the diet and exercise regime as instructed by the surgeon to maintain the weight loss in the long run.

Weight regain depends on the type of procedure you choose. Discuss with your surgeon about the procedure which suits you, as there is no single procedure that suits everyone.

4. You will need plastic surgery after bariatric surgery

Not all patients that undergo bariatric surgery, require plastic surgery- says Dr Ram Maohan, the best bariatric and metabolic surgeon. Losing a significant amount of weight over a short period of time can leave you behind loose or sagging skin. This varies from person to person based on how much weight was lost and age. Patients who indulge in regular exercise may rarely require plastic surgery.

Today, most of the bariatric surgeries are done through laparoscopy. So that there would be no big scar that will require plastic surgery.

5. Bariatric surgery will prevent pregnancy

Females who undergo weight loss surgery are advised to wait for an year after surgery to get pregnancy, because it could interfere with weight loss. But experts suggest that bariatric surgery or weight loss surgery will not affect the ability to conceive, carry a baby or give birth. In fact, weight loss is an important step when trying for a baby since obesity itself can lead to infertility in both men and women.

6. Weight loss surgery entails long recovery time

Most of the bariatric surgeries are laparoscopic, which means the surgeon makes small cuts for a short time recovery. Patients who undergo weight loss surgery need to stay in the hospital for 2 to 3 days. They can resume the solid diet after 4 weeks of surgery, and get back to their normal activities.

7. Isn’t matter which type of bariatric surgery you have?

False. Just as no two people are alike, every operation we do is very different -says Dr Ram Mohan. There are a variety of options available that work differently to help people lose weight.

  • Someone with diabetes needs gastric bypass surgery, which reduces the size of the stomach and bypasses some part of the small intestine.

  • For patients with BMI up to 50, sleeve gastrectomy is preferred. This is often the best procedure that removes a large portion of the stomach along the greater curvature.

  • Another popular procedure for higher BMI is gastric band surgery. This is a surgical procedure where a band decreases the size of the stomach and restricts the amount of food you intake.

Bariatric surgery doesn’t just help you live longer but it also helps you live better. Have you been considering bariatric surgery? Approach Dr Ram Mohan, the best bariatric surgeon at  Inodaya Hospitals Kakinada.

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Difference Between Overweight and Obese

Both overweight and obesity implies a condition of excess body weight. Globally, there are more people who are overweight today than before. It is estimated that more than 1 billion adults are overweight and of those, about one-third are considered obese. Unfortunately, overweight and being obese has become much more common in children, too.

Even the terms “overweight” and “obesity” are quite common around us, sometimes it may not be clear what they actually mean. With this view, Dr.Ram Mohan – the best bariatric and metabolic surgeon at Inodaya Hospitals, explains more about being overweight and obesity.

What is the difference between overweight and obese?

As already discussed, overweight and obesity are the conditions having excess body fat than what is considered healthy. The body mass index (BMI), which is calculated from height and weight is a simple way to identify people who are overweight and obese.

However, adults who has a BMI around 25-29 are considered as overweight and adults who has a BMI of 30 or more are considered obese. It is important to note that children and teens become overweight and obese for a various reasons.

Children over the age of 5 whose body mass index is between 5th percentile and less than 85th percentile are considered as heavily weighted. But, children who are in the 85th percentile or less than the 95th percentile are considered overweight. And the children who are equal or greater than the 95th percentile are considered obese -says Dr. Ram Mohan, the best bariatric surgeon.

What causes excess weight?

Overweight is also defined as weighing more than the actual weight based on age, height, and sex. But, some people being overweight does not mean excess body fat such as bodybuilders and athletes can be overweight but not obese.

There are many reasons for being overweight such as overeating, lack of physical exercise, unhealthy eating habits, thyroid problems, and genetic factors. At the same time, psychological conditions can contribute to being overweight.

Does it matter where the excess body fat is located?

Yes. People who have excessive abdominal fat are at greater risk of heart diseases and cancers than people with a similar BMI and carry their fat in other areas of the body. Researches also found that death and disease risk associated with excess body fat can vary among individuals with similar body mass indexes.

Can I control health problems related to overweight or obese by losing weight?

Yes. Dr. Ram Mohan, one of the best weight loss surgeons explained that a moderate weight loss can help to prevent or control numerous health problems including diabetes, high blood pressure and heart problems, etc. The closer you are at normal weight (BMI between 18.5 to 24.9) the greater the health benefits.

What can I do for my overweight or obesity?

Speak to your doctor about your weight loss program. The doctor may recommend the best tips to follow based on your age, height and weight.

Nutritional diet

To lose or maintain your current weight is to eat a well-balanced diet that includes eating a high-protein breakfast and avoiding sugary foods.

Regular exercise

At least 30 minutes of moderate exercise (brisk walking or running) a day is needed to maintain a healthy weight.

Behavioral change

Behavioral modifications such as keeping a food diary of everything that you eat and drink for a couple of weeks and then reviewing your diet. It would be a start to a healthy diet that leads to a healthy weight.

Still unable to lose excess weight? It could be severe obesity. Don’t worry. Bariatric surgery or weight-loss surgery can help people with severe obesity to lose excess body fat, and prevent health complications – says Dr. Ram Mohan, the top bariatric surgeon in Kakinada.

If you would like to know more information, Please contact Inodaya Hospitals

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All About Corona Virus

Headlines and breaking news on all newspapers, Tv Channels and social media is all about the dangerous health attack – Corona Virus.

Countries all over the globe are stepping in to take up the efforts to tackle with Corona Virus (COV), which was originated in China. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared a global health emergency about Corona Virus, which was a outbreak in Wuhan City – China.

As of today, more than 900 people were seen dead and more than 40,000 people were sickened only in China. Global results shown that the virus has been spread to many other countries around china such as India, Bangladesh, Russia etc. Health authorities have not declared the perfect end as the Virus Corona is still a question to every one. Inodaya Hospitals Kakinada helps you all to know everything about Corona Virus and to be far away for these Corona symptoms.

What is Corona Virus ?

Corona virus is a family of viruses that potentially cause respiratory illness ranging from common flu or cold to severe health conditions such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).

Corona Viruses are zoonotic. They are transmitted between animals and humans. Various investigations found that SARS was transmitted from civet cats to humans, while MERS travel to humans from dromedary camels. There are several known corona viruses circulating in animals that have not yet infected humans.

The name corona virus is derived from the Latin word corona which means crown or halo. A novel corona virus(nCoV), identified by Chinese authorities is a new strain that has not been previously identified in humans.

Different types of corona viruses that effect humans are 229E, NL63, OC43, and HKU1 vary in the severity of the illness they cause and how far the virus spread.

What are the symptoms?

Human Corona Virus causes lower-respiratory illness. The most common signs and symptoms of novel corona virus include:

  • A runny nose
  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Shortness of breath and
  • Breathing difficulties.

In more severe cases, the infection can result in pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure, and even death. This is common in patients with cardiopulmonary disease and weakened immune systems. However, the incubation period of corona virus remains unknown, but the Centers for Disease Control(CDC) says that it could be between 10 to 14 days of exposure. Sometimes infected patients can be asymptomatic which means they do not have any of the symptoms mentioned above, despite having the virus inside their systems.

How is Corona virus Diagnosed and Treated?

Diagnosis of new corona virus is difficult with only a physical exam because mild cases of corona virus may appear similar to common flu or cold. Therefore, doctors may suggest laboratory tests on respiratory specimens and serum isolated from your blood, to detect human corona virus. These tests are more likely to be used if you have severe respiratory illness or suspected of having Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) caused by a corona virus. There are no available treatments for any human corona viruses, according to the CDC. Patients infected with 2019-nCoV should be treated with supportive measures such as taking medications to relieve symptoms.

How is Corona virus prevented?

Till date there is no specific vaccine to prevent corona virus. One of the best ways to prevent Corona virus is to avoid being exposed to this virus. However, the CDC recommends some preventive actions listed below that help prevent the spread of respiratory viruses.

  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer for at least 20 seconds, especially before eating and after coughing or sneezing.
  • Do not touch your eyes, nose, and mouth with uncleaned or unwashed hands.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are infected with the virus.
  • Get plenty of rest when you are sick.
  • Drink more fluids.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue and throw it in trash.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces and objects.

Remember, anyone can catch this virus. But the effect it will have on you, and how seriously ill you might become ill is dependent on several other factors. Adults and older people with conditions like asthma, diabetes or heart disease appear to be more vulnerable to become severely ill with the new corona virus. Health agencies including the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) are keeping a careful eye and taking steps to prevent new corona virus from spreading.

For more updates on corona virus, keep following Inodaya Hospitals and contact our experts!

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7 Tips to sleep well during pregnancy

Having a hard time getting sleep during pregnancy? The hormonal fluctuations and physical discomforts associated with pregnancy affect your quality of sleep. As your pregnancy progresses, you may find it even more difficult to have a comfortable sleeping position. But sleeping when pregnant is very essential for your health and baby’s health.

During pregnancy, it is so common to struggle with sleep disturbances or insomnia along with stress and anxiety – says the best gynecologist in Kakinada from Inodaya Hospitals.

Inodaya Hospitals lists the best ways to improve your pregnancy sleeping.

7 Tips to sleep well during pregnancy

Here are the tips that help you get a better sleep when you are pregnant.

  1. Reduce stress

    Physical and emotional stress are the key culprits in preventing a good night’s sleep for everyone, especially for pregnant women. However, worrying due to stress won’t help you but indulging yourself in stress-free activities such as yoga, meditation, and breathing exercises, etc can help you relieve stress and get quality sleep during pregnancy.

  2. Avoid heavy meals before bed

    Too much spicy and acidic foods before sleep can lead to indigestion and disrupt your sleep. If indigestion is an ongoing problem, eat lighter meals and eat them early before bedtime. Too little food, on the other hand, can cause hunger pains that disturb your sleep in the middle of the night. So, eat fruit or nuts two to three hours before bed which gives your body time to digest and provide enough calories through the night.

  3. Minimize your nap time

    Most pregnant women can’t sleep well at night due to several pregnancy discomforts. So, a daily nap for 30 to 60 minutes during the daytime is good for women during pregnancy to reduce fatigue. Napping also makes you more alert and helps to relax, however, it should be done carefully. Do not nap for too long in the day time as it can interfere with your sleeping pattern at night and affect your pregnancy sleeping.

  4. Sleep on your left side

    The best sleeping position in pregnancy is to sleep on the side (SOS). Even a much better position for pregnant women is to sleep on the left side. If you are pregnant, practice sleeping on your left side to increase the amount of blood and nutrient flow to the baby and uterus. Sleeping on the left side can also help your body eliminate waste and fluids. In addition, practicing yourself to sleep on the left side during pregnancy will help you sleep better when your belly grows bigger.

  5. Use extra pillows

    Getting a comfortable position with better sleep can be tricky for pregnant women because of widening hips. Place a pillow between your bent knees to take the pressure off and provide extra comfort to the lower back while lying on the side. Put another pillow under your belly to keep your body in a comfortable position. Make sure to use different pillows for the support of head and neck too, to keep your spine straight and alleviate pressure on your spine, hips and surrounding nerves.

  6. Stay Active

    Regular exercise during pregnancy can promote good health, reduce the risks of weight gain and it also helps to improve your sleep. There are various options for safe pregnancy workouts such as brisk walking, swimming, and yoga, etc to keep you fit and active. Make sure to finish your physical exercise at least two to three hours before sleep to give your body time to relax and have a better sleep.

  7. Make your room dark

    Get your room properly ventilated during the day, but not at night. Keep your room quiet and dark at night for an uninterrupted sleep when you are pregnant. Turn off any digital clocks or electronic gadgets that have a source of light. Cover the windows with curtains as artificial light can inhibit the secretion of melatonin, which helps you to fall asleep. The lack of melatonin can make you awake after your regular bedtime.

Poor sleep can affect pregnant women, potentially leading to maternal complications such as hypertension and gestational diabetes. Try these tips to improve your sleeping pattern and have a happy pregnancy. Don’t neglect your pregnancy complications. Consult our gynecology specialists in Kakinada at Inodaya hospitals.

Health Care Health Updates

Heart Diseases – Risk Factors and How to prevent

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Heart attack or Heart disease is the leading cause of death. Heart disease or cardiovascular disease generally refers to a condition that involves blocked blood vessels which can lead to a heart attack or stroke. Other heart conditions that affect the heart’s muscle and valves are also considered a form of heart disease.

Many people worry about experiencing a heart attack or a stroke in their lifetime. But depends on the risk factors many forms of heart attacks and strokes are treatable and preventable.

Risk Factors of Heart Disease

There are many risk factors for heart disease in which [some] you can control some, others you can’t.

Here are some Uncontrollable risk factors.

  • Age: The older you get, the higher your risk of heart disease. Men at age 45 and women at 55 and older are at greater risk.
  • Gender: Men are at greater risk of heart disease than women do. And men have strokes earlier in life. Women’s risk of heart disease is lesser than that of man even after women reach the menopause stage.
  • Family history: You are at greater risk of heart disease if you have a close family member who had heart disease at an early age.

Tips to prevent Heart Diseases

Fortunately, there are certain lifestyle changes you can do to reduce your risk of heart disease:

    1. A healthy diet

      A well balanced is crucial to a healthy heart and circulatory system. Limit the intake of saturated fats, foods high in sodium and added sugars. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, fish and pulses with restricted salt.

    2. Get regular physical activity

      Everyday physical exercise has many benefits including strengthening your heart and improving the circulation. It also helps in maintaining a healthy weight and lower cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

    3. Quit smoking

      Tobacco in any form is harmful to your overall health. Cigarette smoking raises blood pressure and puts you at a greater risk of a heart attack. If you do smoke, quitting will definitely lower the risk of developing heart diseases.

    4. Maintain a healthy weight

      Being overweight or obese can increase your risk of heart disease. It is because obesity is linked to high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetes. According to cancer experts, the absence of abdominal obesity is associated with a lower risk of heart attack and stroke.

    5. Manage stress

      Stress is directly linked to heart disease in many ways by raising your blood pressure. Extreme stress can always be a trigger for heart stroke. So, manage your stressful situations by doing exercise, listening to music, focusing on something peaceful and meditation.

    6. Limit alcohol

      Consuming too much alcohol can raise your blood pressure and adds extra calories which leads to excess weight. Both of the factors raise your risk of heart attack or stroke.

    7. Control blood pressure

      High blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart attack. It is vital to get checked your blood pressure regularly. This is because high blood pressure is one of the biggest causes of sudden stroke or heart attack. You may need medications and lifestyle changes to control high blood pressure.

Maybe the above steps do not completely eliminate the risk of heart diseases, but they can improve overall health and reduce the chances of complications. However, Heart disease is easier to treat if detected early, so talk to a heart disease specialist about your concerns regarding your heart health.

If you think you may have heart disease based on your assumption, make an appointment to see our best cardiologist in Kakinada.