Ear, Nose & Throat

Our ENT specialists provide care for our patients in a variety of disordered areas such as hearing and balance disorders, smell and taste disorders, throat cancer, oral cancer, sleep, sleep apnea, sinus & allergy. They also treat patients with conditions that affect their voice, breathing and swallowing as well as those with head and neck tumours including the skull base and interface with the brain.

ENT surgeons at Inodaya treat people of all ages from newborn babies to elderly people.ENT has possibly the widest range of operations of any speciality from major head & neck procedures with flaps & complex reconstructions to microsurgery on the ear disorders. All surgeries are performed by trained doctors to treat patients with ENT disorders and diseases of the ears, nose, throat, and other structures of the neck and face.

Treatments Offered

  • Nasal Allergy
  • Sinus Related Ailments
  • Nasal Mass/ Tumors
  • ENT Diseases of Children
  • Nasal Bleeds & Adenotonsillar Hypertrophy
  • Skull Based Surgery
  • Ear infections
  • Throat Infection
  • Voice / Speech Disorders
  • Oral & Other Head & Neck Cancers
  • Thyroid Tumors
  • Parotid & Other Salivary Gland Tumors


How would I know if I have an ear infection?

Theย  most common symptoms of an ear infection include:

  • Pain inside the ear.
  • A high temperature.
  • Being sick.
  • Difficulty hearing.
  • Discharge running out of the ear.
  • A feeling of pressureย ย 
  • Itching and irritation in and around the ear.

What is the most common cause of ear infections?

An ear infection is a swollen or inflammation of the middle ear. It is usually caused by the two most common types of bacterias, streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae, viruses that cause colds or flu, and fluid building up behind the eardrum.

How common are ear infections?

Ear infections are very common, affecting about 75% of children at some point in their lives.

What happens during an ear infection?

Ear infection causes the narrow tubes that run from the middle ear to high in the back of the throat (eustachian tubes) can become swollen and blocked. This can lead to mucus build-up in the middle ear and cause an infection.

Can an ear infection go away on its own?

You may think of ear infections as something only kids get but they are also common in adults. In most cases, ear infections go away on their own and don’t need medical attention.

What happens if you leave an ear infection untreated?

If left untreated, ear infections can lead to unnecessary pain and permanent hearing loss for your child. If the condition is not severe, ENT doctors will likely treat your child’s pain and fever with over-the-counter (OTC), pain relievers, or ear drops.

When should I be concerned about ear infection?

Remember that if the ear infection symptoms have not improved within three days or if you are experiencing new symptoms such as high fever, loss of balance, or discharge coming from the ear, you should visit the ENT specialist immediately.

What are the symptoms of inner ear infection?

Inner ear infection causes inflammation of the inner ear (labyrinthitis), producing symptoms of vertigo, a sensation that you or your surroundings are spinning or moving around. Other symptoms of inner ear infection include:

  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Trouble balancing
  • Trouble hearingย 
  • Ringing sound in the ear

Can you get rid of an ear infection without going to the doctor?

Not all ear infections are caused due to bacteria or need prescription medication. Instead, you could find all the relief you need in your home with treatments such as over-the-counter pain relievers and cold or warm compresses.

Why does ear pain get worse at night?

Ear pain is worse at night because of low cortisol levels. Lying down also backs up drainage or mucus into the middle ear, causing pressure on the eardrum and pain.

Can you spread an ear infection?

No. Ear infections are not contagious, but the colds that result in ear infections are. Colds spread through the germs released from the nose or mouth during coughing or sneezing. Therefore, anything that can reduce the spread of germs through respiratory droplets will help reduce ear infection.

Why do ear infections hurt so much?

Ear infections occur when fluid in the interior space behind the eardrum becomes infected with bacteria. This increased pressure pushes the eardrum outward that causes pain and fever.

Why do kids get ear infections?

Ear infections are common in children because the tubes and spaces in their ears are so small. So, when a child gets a cold, sore throat, or upper respiratory infection, bacteria from those illnesses can spread to the middle ear.

Why do adults get ear infections?

Germs, such as viruses, fungi, or bacteria cause ear infections. The way a person becomes infected will determine the kind of infection. For example, people with weakened immune systems or inflammation in the ear structures may be more prone to ear infections than others.

Can headphones cause ear infection?

The condition called otitis externa or swimmer’s ear is an infection of the outer ear canal and the skin around it. The most common causes are wearing unclean headphones or using unclean earphones with moisture trapped in them, which can result in bacterial growth.

Do earbuds make ear infections worse?

Unless you sanitize them, your earbuds have probably accumulated much dirt and bacteria, which can cause allergic reactions, rashes, or even infections. Thus, earbuds increase your risk of ear infections.

Why do I get ear infections often?

Ear infections are quite common. They are often preceded by colds or allergies, as both can lead to fluid buildup in the ear. The fluid then becomes infected making the pain worse. These ear infections are called otitis media.

How can I stop my ear infection from getting worse?

If you have an ear infection, your first step is to see your doctor. An infection can spread to the rest of your body if not treated properly. If you’re looking for relief before your appointment, try these things:

  • Keep the area around your ear clean.
  • Take pain relievers
  • Use a warm compress on your ear.

How can I prevent my child from getting ear infections?

There is no sure way to prevent your child from getting ear infections, but some things that may help include breast-feeding, using a humidifier, and avoiding exposure to cigarette smoke.

Can ear infections lead to long-term damage?

Most ear infections do not cause any long-term damage. However, if an ear infection is left untreated it may lead to more serious problems such as hearing loss.

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