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Pregnancy after Weight loss Surgery: Everything you must know

Overweight and obesity is a common problems across the world. The fundamental causes of being overweight are leading a sedentary lifestyle, eating unhealthy foods, stress, and various medical conditions that may contribute to a high BMI.

People invest their time in physical exercise to become fit, but sometimes it doesn’t work. However, maintaining healthy body weight is a must for us. This is why the importance of weight loss surgery, known as bariatric surgery, came into play. Gastric bypass surgery or bariatric surgery is a highly effective surgical procedure that involves changing your digestive system to help you lose weight.

Weight loss surgery is recommended for patients with a Body Mass Index (BMI) greater than 35 or 40. You might be considering whether the bariatric surgical procedure will affect your fertility and future possibilities to conceive and have children. 

But, getting pregnant after weight loss surgery is not an issue.  In this article, Dr. Ram Mohan, the best Bariatric and metabolic surgeon in Kakinada, explains more about bariatric surgery and pregnancy.


Will you be able to conceive after weight loss surgery?

Yes!. Pregnancy after bariatric surgery is possible, safe, and successful compared to the pregnancy of obese women. However, experts recommend postponing pregnancy until your weight stabilizes – typically 12 to 18 months after surgery. Some other experts may suggest a waiting period for at least 2 years before getting pregnant.

Early pregnancy after bariatric surgery could lead to development issues in a baby. This is because weight loss surgery will help you lose weight quickly, so your growing baby might not get all the nutrients required.


What are the benefits of conceiving a baby after bariatric surgery?

Obesity is associated with reduced fertility so conceiving can be challenging due to oligoovulation or anovulation. Even if a woman gets pregnant while being obese, there is an increased risk of developing various conditions such as gestational diabetes, hypertension, or preeclampsia.

Therefore, weight loss is the best way to reduce the risks of obesity, and bariatric surgery is an effective, safe, and non-invasive procedure. Studies suggest that as the menstrual cycles become regular, ovulation improves after bariatric surgery, which leads to a greater possibility of conceiving.


What are the risks of getting pregnant after bariatric surgery?

After bariatric surgery, the primary risk of pregnancy is not getting enough nutrients for the mother and the growing baby. However, your doctor might recommend nutritional deficiency testing before conception to determine the need for vitamin and mineral supplements and monthly tests during pregnancy.

Other possible complications include anemia, weight gain, low birth weight for the child, and possibly an increased risk of C-section.


How is pregnancy after bariatric surgery different?

During the nine months of pregnancy, prenatal care is the same as for other women. However, there are a few differences in a pregnancy after a bariatric surgical procedure.

Consulting with the gastric bypass surgeon who performed the procedure before trying to conceive is recommended. You may also need to take additional vitamin and mineral supplements to ensure that your growing baby gets all the nutrients needed.

Gaining weight during pregnancy is completely normal. As long as you eat well and remain active during pregnancy, losing this extra weight could not be a problem.

Is there a difference in labor and delivery during pregnancy after weight loss surgery? No. Management of labor and delivery after bariatric surgery should be the same as with any pregnant woman.

While the C-section rate is higher among those who have had bariatric surgery in the past, the surgery is not an indication of C-section and safe; normal delivery is entirely possible.


What should you follow to have a healthy pregnancy after bariatric surgery?

Eating healthy and staying physically active are important to maintaining your baby’s health during pregnancy.  If you want to try to conceive after bariatric surgery, speak to a dietician and your bariatric surgeon for advice on nutrition and weight gain during pregnancy.

A doctor might recommend a fetal ultrasound to monitor your baby’s growth. This is particularly important if you have had poor weight gain during pregnancy or became pregnant within two years of having weight loss surgery.

If you would like to speak to our Bariatric surgery experts in Kakinada, please contact us at Inodaya Hospitals today.

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What to expect before and after weight loss surgery?

Struggling with obesity-related health conditions? Your doctor may have mentioned weight-loss surgery to improve your overall health and quality of life. But what exactly is it, and what can you expect before and after the procedure? Various weight loss surgeries are available, including the roux-en-Y gastric bypass, the vertical sleeve gastrectomy, and adjustable gastric banding.

The appropriate weight loss surgery or bariatric surgery, combined with changes in diet and exercise, can lead to better health outcomes – says Dr. Ram Mohan, one of the best bariatric surgeons at Inodaya Hospitals. 


Types of Procedures

Roux-en-Y gastric bypass is laparoscopic surgery to reduce the size of your upper stomach so you can only eat smaller quantities of food. The surgeon makes a small incision in the abdomen and then staples off the upper section of the stomach into a small pouch that is then attached to the Roux Limb section of the small intestine.

A vertical sleeve gastrectomy (VSG) is a minimally invasive weight-loss surgical technique during which your stomach size is reduced to three or four ounces. This allows limiting the amount of food you consume to help you lose weight. After a VSG, ghrelin levels, a hunger hormone, also drops so that your appetite is initially reduced and aids in the weight-loss process.

Gastric banding (LAP-Band) is a weight loss surgery that involves placing a silicone band around the upper part of the stomach to decrease stomach size and reduce your food intake. A small outlet slows the emptying process into the stomach, enabling you to feel fuller very quickly. 


Before weight loss surgery

Weight loss or bariatric surgery is a significant surgical procedure with extremely positive outcomes and comes with some side effects of any major weight loss procedure. Before going to weight loss surgery, it’s crucial to understand the health risks and benefits associated with the surgery and the lifestyle changes expected following the bariatric surgery.

When you are considering bariatric surgery, your doctor will evaluate whether weight loss surgery is right for you and which type of surgery for weight loss is appropriate for your condition. Before surgery, nutrition counseling and physical and psychological evaluation are often a part of this process.

The health care team will also provide you with instructions about preparing for the weight-loss surgical procedure. In the months or weeks before bariatric surgery, you will be given eating and drinking restrictions and exercise guidelines, and you may be asked to attend lifestyle counseling. 

Many weight loss treatment doctors will also require you to lose some initial weight before operating. This is usually done for optimal health and safety because weight-loss surgery requires permanent lifestyle changes.


After weight loss surgery

Depending on the surgeon’s considerations and the type of bariatric procedure, patients typically take about two to three weeks to recover and return to work after the surgery. The first few weeks of surgery require sticking to a  liquid diet and gradually reintroducing foods to your digestive system.

Nutritional supplements will be required, and you will feel full after consuming a little amount of food. Dieticians develop meal plans ahead of time for every patient, and the process is done under the supervision of your bariatric surgeon. Then, your esophagus and stomach typically adjust to consuming regular food again after one to three months of surgery.

Talk to your registered dietitian about preventing the “dumping syndrome,” which is gastric distress (cramping, diarrhea) that you experience when you indulge in certain foods. Yet, you must have follow-up appointments regularly to make sure you are losing weight consistently and healthily.

However, if you went through a gastric banding weight loss surgery, you will typically have band adjustments every two months during the first year, then twice a year, then annually. Other patients can visit every three months, then twice a year, then annually.

Possible complications from weight loss surgery include leakage, bowel obstruction, ulcers, blood clots, gallstones, vomiting, and abdominal pain.

The most important thing to remember is that weight loss or bariatric surgery is permanent and requires hard work and a lifelong commitment. Want to know more about obesity treatment? Visit Inodaya Hospitals, Kakinada. We provide safe and effective treatment options for those affected by severe obesity. 

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Difference Between Overweight and Obese

Both overweight and obesity implies a condition of excess body weight. Globally, there are more people who are overweight today than before. It is estimated that more than 1 billion adults are overweight and of those, about one-third are considered obese. Unfortunately, overweight and being obese has become much more common in children, too.

Even the terms “overweight” and “obesity” are quite common around us, sometimes it may not be clear what they actually mean. With this view, Dr.Ram Mohan – the best bariatric and metabolic surgeon at Inodaya Hospitals, explains more about being overweight and obesity.

What is the difference between overweight and obese?

As already discussed, overweight and obesity are the conditions having excess body fat than what is considered healthy. The body mass index (BMI), which is calculated from height and weight is a simple way to identify people who are overweight and obese.

However, adults who has a BMI around 25-29 are considered as overweight and adults who has a BMI of 30 or more are considered obese. It is important to note that children and teens become overweight and obese for a various reasons.

Children over the age of 5 whose body mass index is between 5th percentile and less than 85th percentile are considered as heavily weighted. But, children who are in the 85th percentile or less than the 95th percentile are considered overweight. And the children who are equal or greater than the 95th percentile are considered obese -says Dr. Ram Mohan, the best bariatric surgeon.

What causes excess weight?

Overweight is also defined as weighing more than the actual weight based on age, height, and sex. But, some people being overweight does not mean excess body fat such as bodybuilders and athletes can be overweight but not obese.

There are many reasons for being overweight such as overeating, lack of physical exercise, unhealthy eating habits, thyroid problems, and genetic factors. At the same time, psychological conditions can contribute to being overweight.

Does it matter where the excess body fat is located?

Yes. People who have excessive abdominal fat are at greater risk of heart diseases and cancers than people with a similar BMI and carry their fat in other areas of the body. Researches also found that death and disease risk associated with excess body fat can vary among individuals with similar body mass indexes.

Can I control health problems related to overweight or obese by losing weight?

Yes. Dr. Ram Mohan, one of the best weight loss surgeons explained that a moderate weight loss can help to prevent or control numerous health problems including diabetes, high blood pressure and heart problems, etc. The closer you are at normal weight (BMI between 18.5 to 24.9) the greater the health benefits.

What can I do for my overweight or obesity?

Speak to your doctor about your weight loss program. The doctor may recommend the best tips to follow based on your age, height and weight.

Nutritional diet

To lose or maintain your current weight is to eat a well-balanced diet that includes eating a high-protein breakfast and avoiding sugary foods.

Regular exercise

At least 30 minutes of moderate exercise (brisk walking or running) a day is needed to maintain a healthy weight.

Behavioral change

Behavioral modifications such as keeping a food diary of everything that you eat and drink for a couple of weeks and then reviewing your diet. It would be a start to a healthy diet that leads to a healthy weight.

Still unable to lose excess weight? It could be severe obesity. Don’t worry. Bariatric surgery or weight-loss surgery can help people with severe obesity to lose excess body fat, and prevent health complications – says Dr. Ram Mohan, the top bariatric surgeon in Kakinada.

If you would like to know more information, Please contact Inodaya Hospitals