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Foods That You Should Avoid During Pregnancy

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Pregnancy is the most critical period in every woman’s life. Diet plays an important role in the baby’s well being. Once you find out that you are pregnant, there are many aspects of your lifestyle that have to be taken into consideration as they affect the health of your child. 

Foods you consume are one of the main things that will impact you and your baby. So, what are the foods that you should avoid during pregnancy? The experts of pregnancy at Inodaya gives you a list of foods to avoid when pregnant and achieve optimal health during pregnancy.

1. Fishes

Certain fishes that contain a high level of mercury should be avoided during your pregnancy. Mercury is a neurotoxin that is linked to brain damage and developmental delays in infants and young children. Fishes such as shark, swordfish, and tilefish have high mercury levels, instead, you could consume salmon, shrimp, and canned light tuna, which has low mercury levels.

2. Caffeine

Higher amounts of caffeine during pregnancy increase your chances of miscarriage and premature birth. Pregnant women are advised to limit their caffeine intake to less than 200mg per day as it is absorbed quickly and passes easily into the placenta and fetus. Therefore, avoid caffeine which is most commonly found in coffee, tea, soft drinks, and many energy drinks.

3. Raw eggs

Women during pregnancy should avoid raw, uncooked, and soft boiled eggs as they contain harmful bacteria called Salmonella. This bacteria can lead to symptoms like nausea, vomiting, fever, and even stomach cramps that result in premature birth.  For this reason, you should always choose cooked eggs or use pasteurized eggs.

4. Papaya

Raw and unripe papaya contains a substance called latex, which causes uterine contractions, and hence it is dangerous to consume during your pregnancy. Also, papain and pepsin contents in papaya restrict fetal growth and thus it is advised by the experts to strictly avoid unripe papaya for women while pregnant.

5. Pineapple

Pineapple contains a compound known as bromelain that causes softening of the cervix leading to unsuccessful labor to miscarriage. It is believed that pineapple can get your body heated up rapidly which causes abortion or premature birth. Nevertheless, having small quantities of pineapple is safe while pregnant.

6. Raw Sprouts

During pregnancy,  it is not safe to eat raw sprouts including clover, alfalfa, radish, and mung bean sprouts. This is due to the bacteria including Salmonella, Listeria, and E.coli can get into the sprouts seeds through the cracks in the shell. Listeriosis could lead to premature birth, miscarriage, and infections which can be a risk of foodborne illness.

7. Unwashed fruits and vegetables

Consuming unwashed fruits and veggies that carry bacteria and toxoplasma parasites harm both the mother and the developing baby. Toxoplasmosis contaminates the soil where fruits or vegetables are grown, or during storage and you may ingest the harmful microbes if you eat them unwashed. It is recommended to rinse fruits and vegetables thoroughly for a healthy baby.

Be cautious about what you are eating when you are pregnant! The best gynecologists at Inodaya Hospital, Kakinada suggests avoiding the above foods as much as possible to promote a healthy baby.

Need more information on tips for a healthy pregnancy? Keep following Inodaya

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