Interventional Cardiology Specialists in Kakinada
Interventional cardiology an advanced subspecialty of cardiology that has evolved due to advances in medical technology.
Interventional cardiology is a cardiac surgical procedure that requires the insertion of catheters into arteries and veins to diagnose and treat heart related conditions. Cardiac risks of interventional procedures are lower than open-heart surgeries, and mortality rates are also lower with them.
Interventional cardiologists also use stenting or balloon angioplasty to open blocked arteries. They are required to have knowledge in all general areas of medicine like internal medicine, cardiac disease, endocrinology, and vascular medicine.
Our interventional cardiologists in Kakinada can help patients with heart disease, coronary artery disease, vascular disease, and related conditions get the most from their treatment options. At Inodaya Hospitals, our interventional cardiology team also provides a diverse range of quality care to patients.

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