Bariatrics & Metabolic Surgery Specialists in Kakinada
What is Bariatric Surgery?
Weight loss surgery (also known as bariatric surgery) is to treat patients who are dangerously overweight. Obesity is a complex, clinical disorder with many contributing causes and factors. The condition is often associated with a wide range of medical problems, including high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes, sleep apnea, depression, and arthritis. For many patients who are severely overweight, surgical treatment is the only proven method that will help them achieve the long-term weight control required to improve their overall health and enable them to perform normal activities.
Bariatric surgery procedure includes laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding, laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, these results in an average weight loss of 50 percent of excess body weight. Complications and adverse effects are lowest with laparoscopic surgery and vary by procedure and surgical risk. The Roux-en-Y procedure carries an increased risk of malabsorption sequelae, which can be minimized with standard nutritional supplementation.
At Inodaya Hospitals, Kakinada we offer low-cost Bariatric surgery by the best Bariatric Surgeons in Kakinada which is a safe and effective treatment option for those affected by severe obesity. There are several different types of weight loss surgery, all of which are available at Inodaya Hospitals.
Benefits of Bariatric Surgery
- Type 2 Diabetics Reduces
- High Blood Pressure Levels Reduces
- Unhealthy Cholesterol Levels are Decreased
- Sleep Apnea
- Urinary Incontinence
- Body Pains will Decrease
- End to Knee & Hip pain
What is bariatric surgery?
Bariatric surgery, also called weight loss surgery, is a type of procedure performed on people who have obesity. Bariatric surgery helps people with extreme obesity to lose weight. It may be an option if you cannot lose weight through diet and exercise or have serious health problems caused by obesity.
How does it work?
There are several different types of bariatric surgical procedures. The most common surgeries we perform include Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy. Each type of procedure works in slightly different ways, but all involve reducing the size of the stomach so that less food is consumed and/or limiting the absorption (digestion) of nutrients from food so that fewer calories are consumed and more calories are excreted by the body.
What can I expect after surgery?
Bariatric surgery is major abdominal surgery that requires general anesthesia. Depending on your health status before surgery and which type of procedure you have, you may be required to stay in the hospital for one or two days after your surgery.
How Is Bariatric Surgery Performed?
Bariatric surgery is performed through one or several small incisions using minimally invasive laparoscopic techniques. The Gastric Bypass procedure is performed with five or six small incisions, each half-inch or less in length, while the adjustable Gastric Band procedure requires only two incisions, each about an inch long.
What type of weight-loss surgeries do you offer?
Our program offers three types of weight loss procedures: adjustable gastric banding, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, and sleeve gastrectomy. Each surgery has different qualifications and benefits. Our bariatric surgeon will work with you to determine which procedure is best for you based on your specific needs.
What Are the Types of Bariatric Surgery?
There are two types of bariatric surgery: restrictive and malabsorptive. Restrictive procedures decrease the size of your stomach so you feel full sooner. Malabsorptive procedures shorten your intestines to reduce the absorption of nutrients and calories.
Will I be able to eat solid food after surgery?
A: Most patients are able to eat small amounts of solid foods about 3-4 weeks after surgery. However, it’s important to remember that the goal of bariatric surgery is weight loss, not a change in diet. After surgery, you will need to watch what and how much you eat. Your doctor will work with you to come up with an eating plan that helps you lose weight while keeping you healthy.
Is weight loss surgery a cure for obesity?
Weight loss surgery is not a cure for obesity. It is a method l to help people lose weight. People who have bariatric surgery still must make many lifestyle changes, including changing their diet and exercising regularly.
Why is the Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (RYGB) the most commonly performed weight loss surgery?
The Roux-en-Y gastric bypass is the most commonly performed procedure because it gives excellent weight loss results and has fewer complications than other surgeries. Also, it is easier and safer to reverse, if necessary.
Is there a specific age and bodyweight requirement?
Yes, you must be at least 18 years of age. Your body mass index (BMI) must be 40 or greater or 35 and higher with comorbidities such as high blood pressure, diabetes, sleep apnea, or joint problems.
Why is age an important factor in determining eligibility for Gastric Bypass Surgery?
The most common complication of gastric bypass surgery is a leak from a staple line. The younger you are, the less likely you are to have complications. Therefore, we have a minimum age of 18 years old. There is no maximum age limit, but the risks increase with age due to other medical conditions that may go along with obesity such as heart disease and diabetes.
How do I prepare for my first appointment?
In preparation for your first appointment, be sure to write down any questions you might have and bring them with you to the doctor. Additionally, be sure to bring a list of all medications you take if possible. Be prepared to discuss any medical conditions you may have.
Do I Have To Lose Weight Before Having Weight Loss Surgery?
Yes, you do have to lose weight before having weight loss surgery. The amount of excess weight you need to lose varies depending on your BMI and other factors. Our surgeons will tell you how much weight you need to lose before having the procedure done. While it may seem counter-intuitive to lose weight before having a surgery that is supposed to help you lose weight, this step helps us determine if you are ready for the procedure, as well as helps reduce risks during surgery.
How long will I be in the hospital after my operation?
Most bariatric surgeries are performed as outpatient procedures, which means you will go home the same day of your surgery. If you have a complication or need more intensive care, you may stay overnight.
Will I have a scar?
Most bariatric surgeries require incisions that can leave scars. However, these scars are typically short and can be hidden under clothing or swimsuits. In some cases, they can be placed in areas where they should not interfere with your activities.
What is the recovery time after surgery?
Patients can expect to return to work within two weeks and unrestricted activity within four weeks.
How soon will I see the results?
Within the first week of surgery, you can expect to see significant results – up to a 20% reduction in body weight. You should notice your clothes fitting looser and have more energy as you get used to your new diet and exercise plan.
How long after surgery will I have to follow a liquid diet?
You will be on a full liquid diet for two weeks following surgery. This is important because it helps your stomach heal while you learn how much food it takes to feel full. After two weeks, you can begin adding solid foods back into your diet gradually with the guidance of your surgeon and nutritionist.
Why is weight loss surgery so expensive?
Weight loss surgery is expensive because it involves taking on a lot of risk for insurance companies. People who undergo bariatric surgery have a higher rate of complications than most other patients in the hospital. The reason for this is that people who are obese are more susceptible to infections after surgery because they have a weakened immune system or diabetes. Weight loss surgeries also require follow-up appointments and testing over the next few years which can be costly as well.
What is the difference between a gastroenterologist and a bariatric surgeon?
A gastroenterologist is a doctor that specializes in diseases of the digestive system such as ulcers or Crohn’s disease. A bariatric surgeon performs surgeries on those patients suffering from morbid obesity. Please note that not all gastroenterologists perform endoscopic procedures (procedures done without incisions) such as band placements or sleeve gastrectomies.

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