cytology Specialists in Kakinada

Cytology Specialists in Kakinada

The department of Cytology examines the cells from the body under a microscope to provide the best treatment for our patients. The Cytology department at Inodaya Hospitals is committed in providing of better care and treatment to our patients with the help of our efficient doctors.
The department of Cytology has a good team of doctors with extensive experience in dealing of any complex situation or problem with the help of senior doctors. Inodaya is one of the best hospitals in providing of quality treatment in Kakinada.

FNA (Fine Needle Aspiration) Cytology

FNA fulfills the need for rapid turnaround time of diagnosis in cancer and non-neoplastic lesions. FNAC’s are performed by cytopathologists and adequacy is ascertained immediately limiting the need of repeat visits by the patient for adequacy related issues. Exfoliative cytology (gynae & non-gynae) samples are received in large numbers and reported by trained cytopathologists.

Liquid Based Cytology

Liquid based cytology increases the sensitivity to detect precancerous cervical lesions. Screening has substantially reduced the mortality rate due to cervical cancer.

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